What's on my mind ... (Laura)
January – it really is here, isn’t it? Last year I alluded to the flip of a calendar page, and suddenly we are two weeks out from that event. Have you gotten used to writing (or typing or texting) “2014” yet? The start of a new year indicates fresh beginnings, and so as we roll out an exciting year of new speakers and events for our membership, I hope you will not have to miss a single one.
I’m currently working with a cohort of 35 mid-level leaders in a 12 month development program. It is immensely satisfying to watch these leaders responding to content and seeing them take on professional development as a serious commitment. One critical success factor for any development program inside an organization is that is must be aligned with the mission, culture, and work processes of the organization. You might have a fabulous leadership development program based on best practice, solid research, and organizational analysis, but if it is not reinforced by these organizational elements, it will fail. Alignment…respects the visible and the intangible frameworks within the organization.
So I’ve been thinking about alignment (can you tell?) I want these leaders to think more deeply as they mature in leading others, and so this term “internal alignment” has bubbled up. I must preface the next few statements with the disclaimer that this is surely not a new construct, but simply an articulation of some personal ideas about alignment.
My thought is that internal alignment is a state of meaningfulness that is achieved when one’s work and life is aligned with one’s personal mission and values. When you are satisfied down to your core through the work in which you are engaged, then you know you have internal alignment. Conversely, if what we are doing is not supporting our personal mission (which is founded on our personal beliefs and values), then we need to put a plan in place to move us to where this will be possible. Paraphrasing Steven Covey, no one wants to be the person who discovers late in life that they have spent years getting to the top of a ladder that turns out to be leaning against the wrong building.
I hope this New Year finds you solidly and completely internally aligned, and that this year will be one of great contribution for you. Dust off that personal mission statement, or get busy writing one – and ensure that your ladder is indeed leaning against the right building.
What's on my mind ... (Carol)
Alignment….I love it. While my focus has been, and will continue to be, on breaking down silos in organizations, that really is the essence of alignment. How can you have alignment if people are thinking in swim lanes without intentionally aligning ideas, projects, technology and focus?
I am very excited about this GOOD year, and our Leadership Team that is focused on bringing value to our members. We have taken your survey feedback to heart, and hope to have some new concepts in meetings and networking to unveil, along with the traditional outstanding guest speakers and relevant topics. Our first 2014 Leadership Team meeting was full of energy, and some great ideas. Should be a great year!
It is fun being co-President with Laura. So far, it’s been a great partnership, and with help and guidance from Pat and the Advisory Group, we should survive our co-Presidency for 2014.
As always, please let either of us know if there is anything you feel we could do to make certain that your membership adds the value to your professional development that we hope it does.
Happy New Year!!!