Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





President's Message

The most recent President's Message can be found at the top of the list of posts.

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  • Wednesday, December 11, 2013 9:23 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Musings from Laura...Laura Newcomer

    Excited!  Engaged!  Wouldn’t you love to hear those words come out of your mouth when someone asks you about your work? It seems what I heard myself say as I dashed to the finish line of 2013 is a different “e” word...exhausted!  While I am fully aware that the divide between 2013 and 2014 is just a flip of a calendar page, there is something satisfying about checking off the final tasks of a year, winding down over the holidays, and leaning into the promise of a new year.

    To Pat and the 2013 leadership team, WELL DONE.  Thank you for setting the stage for 2014 and all the hard work that made 2013 such a great year for our organization!  Your commitment and dedication carries on in 2014, and I know Carol and I will be relying on your experience and expertise throughout 2014.

    When it comes to GOOD and 2014, I AM excited and engaged! First, it will be the advent of the new leadership model for our organization with two of us sharing the role of president. I am a huge proponent of the model.  In the lives of busy professionals, being able to share in the workload is definitely a win for GOOD and a win for the co-leaders, and hopefully will allow more people to step up in the future.  As the first pair through, Carol and I will do our best to work out the kinks!  

    Second, it looks like we’re going to have a great year of programs in 2014.  I can’t say a lot more until things are firmed up, but I believe the speakers and programs will be, well, exciting and engaging!

    More Musings from Carol...Carol Anderson

    Laura said the THANK YOUs well to Pat and the 2013 Leadership Team, and I add my voice as well.  Each of the 2013 programs was excellent, with relevant content and terrific speakers.  We have a tough act to follow.  But I applaud the efforts that went into designing the new leadership structure, and believe it is a perfect way to share the workload and the excitement as the organization continues to grow.  

    Our new VPs and their committees will be bringing new programs, communication and membership processes to make sure that the GOOD network continues to evolve and provide value to the members.  Laura and I would like to thank these folks in advance for what we know will be great work!

    It has been great getting to know Laura, and learning from Pat, and I think the concept of co-presidency is off to a great start.  As Laura said, there will be kinks, so we ask your forgiveness now for any “kinkiness” you may experience.

    GOOD is an amazing organization, with one of the more active and involved membership I’ve seen in a professional organization.  Laura and I will do our best, along with the rest of the leadership team, to continue the fantastic heritage.

    Here’s to 2014!

  • Thursday, November 21, 2013 10:53 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Where has the year gone?  It seems like just a few minutes ago that I was introducing myself as the 2013 GOOD Network President.  

    Here we are, well into November.  And what a year it has been!  Record numbers in our membership.  Large and energetic attendance at our meetings.  Good, engaging, compelling speakers, including our very own at the June Best Practices session.  More volunteering than ever to help in leadership roles with an eye on 2014.  Classy, quality people throughout the GOOD Network.  

    It has been great to be along for the ride.  Those of you who know me (and by now, I think that's most of you!) know that I have enjoyed being your President.  In fact, it has been so much fun that I won't go away in 2014.  I look forward to passing the baton to co-presidents Laura Newcomer and Carol Anderson.  They bring with them experience and insight that can only build upon what has already been done.  And they will have a lot of help!

    I can't avoid mentioning our wonderful hosts, those at Goodwill who make our meetings run so smoothly in the terrific facility they provide for us.  I look forward to seeing all of you there for networking, fellowship, and Scott Tannenbaum on December 13.

    Pat Brown

  • Wednesday, September 04, 2013 11:32 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)


    As we near the end of the third quarter of 2013, it is a time to look forward. 

    We look forward to our October 11 meeting, which will feature Listening expert Rick Bommelje.  Most of us are better talkers and additional insight there is not what we need.  But listening?  Most individuals, groups, and organizations are not where they should be in that arena.  I know that I will gain insight from the meeting, and I believe many of you will as well. 

    We also look forward to hearing from Organizational Effectiveness expert Scott Tannenbaum at our December 13 meeting.   And 2014 promises yet more top-flight speakers.  All this, of course, is coupled with more networking with an ever-increasing number of GOOD Network members! 

    We look forward to distributing our annual Survey to make sure we are doing the right things and avoiding the wrong ones.  The Survey's results also help us steer the GOOD Network toward topics, events, and ways of doing things that you tell us you want.

    We look forward to revamping our Leadership Team structure and communication capabilities in order to better serve all network members.  You will hear more about this soon.

    Most of all, I look forward to seeing all of you again on October 11!  

    Pat Brown

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