Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





cOmmunity of practice Groups

Try One of our Communities of practice!

Communities of Practice (CoPs) are groups formed by and led by our GOOD members.  CoPs can meet as little as once or as frequently as the group members choose to meet.  

Currently the following CoP groups are active and have meetings planned for this year.

  • Coaching – members who use Coaching to help organizations and individuals,
  • External Consulting – members who work for and consult with many organizations
  • Internal Consulting – members who work internally within an organization,
  • Leadership Development - members who engage in leadership development activities,
  • Learning & Development – members involved in learning and development,
  • LD2 -  a combination of leadership  and learning & development topics are explored in this combined CoP
  • Mentoring - mentors and proteges meet to share expertise
  • Project Management - OD professionals who share a passion for project management
  • Technology – members who are interested in technology and using it effectively in our field.
  • Book Club – reviewing pertinent books, Ted talks and Podcasts of mutual interest -- This group is on hiatus. 

New Communities of Practice can form at any time.  Just reach out to the Community Programs and Special Events Director with your idea!


If you are not a member of GOOD Network, you may attend one bi-monthly meeting or COP meeting as a first-time guests to check us out.  Please register on the website for the meeting.  Returning guests are asked to pay a guest meeting fee.  

Tap Into Your Special Interests - Join a Community of Practice Graphic

"Communities of practice are groups of people who share a concern or a passion for something they do and learn how to do it better as they interact regularly."   Source:   Wenger-Trayner

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