The GOOD Network Leadership Development CoP brings together individuals who share an interest in leadership development.
In 2025 the Learning and Leadership Development CoP meetings will be combined and listed in the Event Calendar as LD2.
The Leadership Development CoP goals are:
- Establish a learning community composed of corporate leaders, internal Leadership Development professionals, external business and L&D consultants, and students who have a special interest in leadership development.
- Create a forum that will explore emerging trends in Leadership Development, including the latest thought leadership, new technologies, and best practices contributing to leadership effectiveness.
- Learn from experts on various Leadership Development topics with a special emphasis on experiential learning, i.e., completing relevant assessment instruments for personal evaluation, test-driving new products, participating in group exercises that facilitate new learning, and sharing experiences via interactive discussions.
- Expand our network of professional contacts who can serve as subject matter experts when needed and be available as potential collaboration partners.
The Leadership Development has Kristine Ryan as CoP Lead.
If you would like to assist with facilitating meetings, please reach out to