From Laura
What’s on my mind …
What a fabulous start to our year! I hope you are one of the fortunate ones who attended our first GOOD Network meeting in February. Ron Piccolo from Rollins provided an engaging and enlightening session on “Influencing without Authority”. If you missed it, first, we missed YOU, but I am glad to say that all members have access to Ron’s presentation, available on this website. I know I came away with a new interest in the subject and have started listening to choice of words to better understand other’s psychological needs. Well done, Ron! Well done, leadership team, for the work behind the scenes that resulted in a flawless event. My thanks to all!
March…hints of our Florida Spring (lovely); the Flower and Garden Show at Epcot (fun); and that (blasted) lost hour as we turn the clocks forward. So what is my level of engagement with the change of losing this hour every year? I am what I would term a “sulkier.” I do it, but I don’t like it much. I will debate against any value statement. I will dread it. I will be grumpy and need more coffee in the mornings. I will endure because I must, but I will never be a champion for the change because I see little benefit to me or anyone else. I might even actively campaign against it (…as evidenced by this message!)
If you’re in the midst of a stalled change effort in your organization, you might want to get a pulse on the level of support among the rank and file. Leaders can advocate or demand compliance, but it is definitely an uphill battle. In fact, emotional inertia around a change effort can kill it entirely. It’s our job in OD to ensure regular, periodic check-ins with stakeholders so that the “What’s in it for me” never gets lost in the inevitable shuffle of change. If we are really good at this, we may find fewer sulkers, and even convert a few to champions.
From Carol
What’s (not) on my mind…I have no mind right now – I think I packed it in a box. You see, my family is relocating to beautiful St. Augustine. Yes, I will stay active with GOOD, and am proud to do so. This is a great organization and I enjoy every aspect of being a member. And heck, it’s only a 2 hour drive.
What a terrific kickoff to 2014 we had, with Dr. Piccolo’s presentation and a huge group of attendees. It blew me away that we had to bring in a couple extra chairs, as the crowd was so big.
As I read Laura’s note, I thought, what a testament to complementary co-Presidents. I love….I really mean love….change. Put me in a process and by golly, I’ll change it. Put me in a process and tell me I can’t, and I will wander around looking for something else to change. But my change-resistant co-President is absolutely right. When change happens in an organization, every single person needs to have the opportunity to touch it, feel it, experience it, vent about it and ultimately make the choice to support it or not. Every single person, and yes, it is their choice (but sometimes we need to help them make it.) Let’s multiply that by the fact that, as you can tell from Laura and me, everyone’s tolerance for change is different. And that’s what keeps us OD folks in business. We are the eyes and ears of “what’s really happening,” with the tools and resources to intervene.
April promises, like these recent beautiful Spring days, to be an outstanding program. We are looking forward to seeing you there.