Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





President's Message

The most recent President's Message can be found at the top of the list of posts.

  • Thursday, March 10, 2022 10:32 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    First Quarter 2022 is almost gone... What’s Next?

    Is it March already?!!!  In our January issue, we celebrated the new start to 2022, explored the emerging themes regarding the human side of work, and shared how GOOD was shifting mindsets. While it may feel like the year just started, we are quickly approaching the end of the first quarter. Can you believe it?

    As a Board, we invested that time in planning and laying the groundwork to better understand our members, their perspectives, and areas we can strategically grow as an organization. This will involve continuously nurturing a culture of adaptability and accountability with which to take GOOD to great, starting with these three (3) overarching themes:

    1. Celebrating the diversity in GOOD

    In 2021, the GOOD Board established the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee and issued a statement aimed at recognizing and celebrating the diversity of our members, collaborators, partners, and the global community.

    As such, we would be remiss not to take a moment to acknowledge, honor and celebrate Black History Month, which was celebrated in February. The 2022 theme focused on Black Health and Wellness,” which explored "the legacy of not only Black scholars and medical practitioners in Western medicine, but also other ways of knowing throughout the African Diaspora."[i]

    As OD Practitioners, we are always seeking “other ways of knowing,” learning, growing, and contributing to the organizations and communities we serve. Much of that “knowing” is based on both the social and behavioral sciences, psychology, and a wide range of disciplines that help us focus on organizational change and improvement. Within the healthcare industry, organizational development can be a matter of life and death. As such, we celebrate the contribution of the Black Community in preserving history, challenging present social norms, insisting on equity by dismantling systemic racism, and advancing health equity in the future. To learn more about psychologists of color, like Mana Ali Carter, PhD, who is working to eliminate health disparities and are making a difference in today’s society, check out the American Psychology Association’s issue of Moving Psychology Forward

    In March, we celebrate Women’s History Month.  According to the National Women’s History Alliance, this year’s theme is “Providing Healing, Providing Hope” as a “tribute to the ceaseless work of caregivers and frontline workers during this ongoing pandemic and a recognition of the thousands of ways that women of all cultures have provided both healing and hope throughout history.” [ii]  

    According to the 2021 GOOD Membership Survey, 80.70% of respondents identified as female, which is also reflective of our membership.  As such, we take a moment to celebrate and thank the women for their leadership, membership, and contributions to society and in making the GOOD community great, particularly during the last few years and as we navigate this ever-changing global pandemic.

    Moving forward, the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Committee of the Board will continue to explore ways to "ensure that everyone -- regardless of the dimension of diversity -- has equitable access to resources and feels a sense of belonging."  It's all GOOD.

    2. GOOD’s 2022 Strategic Focus

    In January, the 2022 GOOD Board held a Strategy Meeting to reflect, recommit, reengage, rethink and reboot for the coming year. The strategic focus areas were founded on the 2021 Member Survey responses, incorporating our members' feedback and recommendations. As such, there are new Strategy Committees designed to address these three areas: 

    • Connecting with People & Our GOOD CommunityProgramming (hybrid)

    GOOD is entering a new ‘phygital’ world - virtual, in person, hybrid? No longer is our membership geographically located just in Florida. As such, virtual programming is a flexible and convenient option, yet many of our members are yearning for that in-person connection and networking. We hear you!  A Programming Hybrid Committee has been established to explore all viable options to connecting, conversing, and continuing to build our GOOD community through valuable programming in this new ‘phygital’ (physical & digital) world. 

    • Organizational Pathways and Succession Planning: Governance (org. structure & bylaw review, etc.)

    GOOD has been growing up and growing! Established in 2003 by a small group of OD practitioner in Orlandodue to our 2020 pivot to online and social change, the way we conduct the business of GOOD has shifted and continuously changing. As such, a committee has also been established to reassess the governance and structure of the organizationreview and update bylaws as well as explore the development of operational procedures.

    Interested in helping shape the future of GOOD? We currently have Board positions such as the Director of Communications and Co-Director of Community Programs as well as opportunities to get involved in the Governance Committee. Please email Kristin Chase, Past President at to learn more. Join us in taking GOOD to great!

    • Member Engagement (including a Let’s Chat series)

    The 2021 membership survey has revealed valuable insights regarding the perspectives, desires, and future goals of our members. We want to continue that dialogue by creating a safe space to engage in meaningful conversations about topics that are of keen interest to our membership and moving GOOD forward together. In the GOOD DEI statement, it shares that “we are committed to listening, learning, and having courageous conversations, inclusive behaviors, and grace as we work together to intentionally create a culture of belonging that nurtures a GOOD community for all.”  This is a way to do just that and really engage with our members. So, let’s chat!

    3. Think Local & Reach Global

    As we grow as individuals, a membership, and organization, we must continue to think local and reach global. While Florida and the US may have once been our first thought geographically, we are now part of an online global community that includes people from all over the world. This offers a unique opportunity as OD professionals to connect, engageand network with professions from HR, L&D, coachingconsulting and other disciplines, while sharing industry trends, best practices and diverse perspectives. Here are two ways you can think local & reach global:

    • Start a conversation by sharing OD related articles, tools, tips, insights, etc. and help us build a GOOD global community. 

    What’s Next? Wcontinue to be intentional.

    As Co-Presidents, we entered this year with intention. We continue to keep the essence and sentiments of being deliberate and purposeful in how we strategically plan and work as a Board to continuously make GOOD great and communicate with you - our members. 

    If you would like to be a part of any of the GOOD Strategy Committees mentioned or just want to share, please feel free to email us directly at  We’d love to hear from you!

    Xaulanda Simmons-Emmanual and Krystena Sterling, Co-Presidents

    Footnote links:



  • Wednesday, January 05, 2022 9:08 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    It’s GOOD to Shift Mindsets: The Human Side of Work in 2022

    As a society, we emerged from 2020 still in shock, pivoting our lives and work due the global pandemic. In 2021, we spent much of the year adapting to the “new normal” and what that means for the future. Needless to say, the last two years have been a whirlwind and we are just emerging out of the fog. As we seek to gain clarity of the future of work and emerging trends in 2022, it is evident that there is a culture change and shifting mindset that requires an intentionality regarding the human side of work and injecting more humanity.

    As Co-Presidents, we wanted to understand the industry trends and how that will affect GOOD as an organization. As such, we scoured the Internet to see what percolated to the top of 2022 projections for organizations. Essentially, what we synthesized were three (3) key considerations that as organizations, leaders, and employees are worthy of further exploration as we embark on the new year:

    1. Organizations are made up of humans...Let's humanize it!

    In the past where employees were considered a means to (“get work done”) an end (“increase the bottom line), 2020 taught us that organizations can’t truly thrive without their employees and employees typically can’t thrive in organizations that don’t consider them as humans. Not assets or human capital…but human beings!

    As such, the pressure is on organizations to re-design and re-engineer how they will not only get the work done, but also engage their employees in a way that creates inclusive, high performing work environments. These work environments will entail rethinking the organizational culture that explores the “art of possible,” embraces a changing workforce, redefines how technology is used to create an “ecosystem of physical and virtual workplaces – and the expectations around how to collaborate, engage, and relate to each other” (Delloitte, 2021, para. 6). Therefore, the human experience needs to be at the center of organizations move forward, while also adapting the places and spaces they will work (i.e., hybrid workplaces) and emerging technology that support daily collaboration and productivity while considering the future that artificial intelligence (AI) will play. Essentially, organizations must be intentional in assessing their strategies to bring both the physical and digital worlds together “creating “a new phygital workplace for their workforce to optimally enable them to do their best work in the best place in the best way.”

    As a professional organization, GOOD continues to explore how to strike the right balance between the best way (virtual?) and best place (in person?) to do our best work (come together to learn, grow, and network). In our recent membership survey, 36% of respondents were very comfortable meeting in-person, while 36.07% were somewhat comfortable, 6.56% didn’t have strong feelings either way and ~20% were somewhat uncomfortable. While we yearn for that human connection, many members also commented that “I LOVE the virtual meetings”, found that they were flexible and convenient allowing many members to attend more often vs. having to commute or travel to meetings. As an organization, now more than ever, GOOD is entering a new phygital world. As leaders, we will continue to focus on the human needs of our membership to figure out the best way forward in 2022.

    2. If we are going to lead…Let’s lead Intentionally.

    A recent Forbes article, discussing the Top 4 Leadership Trends which highlighted the following areas of focus for 2022: 1. connecting to people, 2. focus on employee experience, 3. career pathways and succession planning, and 4. creating a culture of adaptability and accountability. This aligns with GOOD leadership’s focus, and we will continue to intentionally lead with these in mind. As practitioners, we are “dedicated to encouraging innovation, promoting excellence, and increasing awareness of OD in organizations,” we will be intentional in creating “a diverse and interactive community that provides continuous learning by sharing ideas, resources and best practices.” Creating an inclusive and meaningful member experience, that supports the career growth and future aspirations is our continued commitment to our members. Our flagship programming, the Bi-Monthly meetings are an all-time favorite of our members, with membership survey respondents ranking the following aspects as very value and valuable: speakers (93.45%), presentation topics (95.08%), sharing best practices (91.81%), networking with other OD professionals (85.25%) and interactive activities (78.69%).

    “We encouraged leaders to take five key actions—reflect, recommit, reengage, rethink, and reboot—to begin planning and strengthening their position in the market.” On December 13, 2021, there was a Board Transition Meeting where the 2021 leadership did an official handoff to the incoming 2022 Board. In January 2022, we will host a Strategy Meeting to reflect, recommit, reengage, rethink and reboot for the coming year. We intend to lead intentionally by incorporating our members' feedback and recommendations.

    3. "Hey organizations! I'm evaluating you, like you evaluate me."

    According to the recent Korn Ferry report, Future of Work Trends 2022: The Era of Humanity, it states that there has been a fundamental shift in the minds of employees. “Power has shifted. From organizations to people. From profit to mutual prosperity. From “me” to “we” (p. 2). Employees are confident in their skills, worth, and value alignment which is a contributing factor to the Great Resignation. In a recent survey of 700 professionals, 30% indicated that they were considering leaving their jobs even though they did not have something lined up and 74% believed turnover will continue to be high in 2022. Therefore, employees are expecting leaders and organizations to be intentional in understanding their individual needs and desires, including but not limited to, flexible work schedules including remote work, enhanced benefits (i.e., sign-on bonuses, childcare & caregiver accommodations, educational reimbursement, medical care, etc.) and opportunities for career development to upskill or reskill to be marketable for the new ways of working.

    We would argue that our members are also feeling this shift in their work, in their life and in their role with GOOD. The 2021 Membership Survey was GOOD’s evaluation and in the spirit of full transparency, members have access to the results.  While this is just the beginning, we want to continue to hear from you throughout 2022 and beyond. Please feel free to email Krystena and Xaulanda directly at We’d love to hear from you!

    "2022 is where it gets intentional."

    In closing, while at times it may be uncomfortable, change is the only constant in life and work. “If 2020 and 2021 were years of unplanned reinvention, 2022 is where it gets intentional.” (Korn Ferry, 2021, p. 5). As a professional organization that values our GOOD members and community, we are excited about the emerging 2022 trends that are challenging us to focus more on the human side of work. It’s GOOD to shift mindsets.

    Xaulanda Simmons-Emmanuel and Krystena Sterling, Co-Presidents

  • Wednesday, November 03, 2021 12:33 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Change is the only constant…

    The idea of change tends to bring feelings of uncertainty and concern, especially when we don’t know what the outcome will be. In a 2015 online study, over 600 respondents reported that while 9 out of 10 people saw their lives differently in five (5) years, approximately 2/3 of them stated that the uncertainty of the future worried them. In 2020, many things changed, individually and collectively on a global scale, that only served to intensify the feelings of worry.

    As we bring 2021 to a close and we approach 2022 with cautious optimism, there are a few things I have observed for myself, among my professional and personal networks, as well as within the GOOD community:

    Change involves an end, a transition, and a new beginning - happening concurrently.

    Most times, change is viewed as the end of a known situation, with the uncertainty of a new beginning and how will we bridge the gap as we work through that change. The process of change is not statistic or linear, it’s dynamic. While we like to perceive that life is remaining constant and that gives us some comfort, the fact is that we change every second, every minute, every hour of every day. Essentially, life begins with birth, ends with death and the transition is the life journey in between. For example, while the human body may replenish itself every 7 years, our muscles take about 24 hours to recover from a workout and adults take an average of 12 to 16 breathes per minute. Therefore, whether you are conscious of it or not, it’s a ‘24/7 ever changing gig’ that happens from the time we take our first breath to our last.  Therefore, the only constant is change.

    A positive change mindset makes the world of difference. 

    We may not be able to choose what changes may come our way, but we can choose a mindset that offers a more positive outlook to the experiences that change brings. Even during the difficult times, such as our collective experience of COVID, it is filled with opportunities to reset, reflect, learn, grow, explore diverse and sometimes polarizing perspectives, while determining our paths forward. Therefore, if we choose to focus on the negative, often we will see overwhelming more negativity. However, if we choose to have a positive mindset of curiosity, openness, and nimbleness - the fluidity of the change process may feel less restrictive and confining. Either way, we can choose to see the changes of life as the glass half full or the glass half empty…both will make the world of difference.

    We are more resilient than we may think.

    Change is often accompanied with fear of the unknown. Yet as things happen to and around us, we need to explore the unknown. We need to confront those things that scare us, and more times than not, it really is not as scary as we thought. Or we realize – we are more resilient than we may think! One of the things that makes experiencing change an adventure are the people that go through it with you. Those that are there to cheer you on, walk beside you along the way, or even the ‘haters’ provide the benefit of intensified motivation to prove them wrong. Either way, many times it is the changes, particularly those that we questioned whether or not we would survive, are the ones that stretch and teach us that we are truly more resilient than we think.

    Change at GOOD

    So, as the calendar year comes to an end, so does a chapter in the GOOD journey with our current Board of Directors and Leadership team. While some remain, others end their terms, and many have moved to other roles within the GOOD community, I want to take this opportunity to say, “Thank you for your Leadership & Service!” The last two years have truly been a journey of ever changing and challenging circumstances within and outside of GOOD.

    However, your commitment and care for our community- like change - remained constant. With our Board Elections and membership renewal, GOOD will have a change of leadership and a possible shift in our community. For the remainder of 2021, we will be in a transition but look forward to welcoming in our new leaders and creating a more inclusive environment for all members in 2022 and beyond. Change is the only constant…and change can be GOOD.

    Krystena Sterling


  • Saturday, September 04, 2021 11:45 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)


    Hello, my Colleagues! During a recent Board call, we discussed all the volunteer opportunities we have at GOOD for individuals. It made us question if our community is aware of the options or how to get involved. As I began to write the President’s message for our newsletter, it made me think of one of my favorite television shows, which is New Amsterdam. Why might you ask? I like the messages that the writers bring to the surface. I like the quirky characters. And I certainly like the lead who is always trying new things, failing miserably but finding new creative ways to make a difference in the community, and learning personal lessons along the way. However, what I like most of all is the resounding “How Can I Help?” which is how this show started and continues to carry through every episode.   This leads me back to GOOD and myself; I am always asking, “How Can I Help?” If you are anything like me, I would like to offer you some ideas on how you can help with our fantastic community.

    When it comes to volunteering, we all have these ideas in our heads. I have had them myself. I want to share some false assumptions we tell ourselves about volunteering that can hold us back. 

    #1 I am not qualified: I often said this to myself when I wanted to be on the Board. However, I started small and built my volunteering muscles, while learning along the way. What GOOD needs are people that are passionate and have new fresh ideas. It is about everyone supporting each other and the community. Passion first!

    #2 I do not have enough time: There are so many opportunities to volunteer. Some opportunities are small, requiring only a few hours for one occasion or purpose. Other opportunities are longer-term commitments, such as being on the Board or a Committee. Depending on the level of involvement you want, there are opportunities for you.

    #3 I am new and young in this profession: This is why many people volunteer in the first place, to gain skills and expertise that they cannot get in their jobs but can learn in other areas. This was one of the reasons I volunteered the first time at a different organization because I needed to learn a new skill, and it was the perfect opportunity for me to do so.

    The beauty about volunteering is that it is a two-way exchange.  You serve others, but volunteering is beneficial to you as well. Let’s face it, we all want the “What’s in it for me.” We are all motivated differently, some intrinsically and other extrinsically”. Why would you like to volunteer? Below are just three (3) benefits to volunteering:

    #1 Networking: We all join professional organizations to meet other individuals in an industry or profession of interest to us and we can learn from them. When you volunteer, you do this on a much deeper level as everyone shows up to be in service. I can say I have lifelong friends from GOOD due to my volunteering that I would not have otherwise. I genuinely connect with and cherish people because of their hearts, passion, and talents.

    #2 Knowledge building:  We all think we are lending our expertise, but truthfully, we learn so much more along the way. Depending on what you volunteer for, there is always a learning aspect involved.

    #3 It is rewarding: If you are anything like me, it is just plain fun and rewarding. You can work together and see things come together, you might not have thought possible—the conference, rate reductions, learning content pivot due to COVID as examples.

    The community of GOOD and volunteering has been an important part of my life for many years. I have gained so many gifts from this incredible organization and learned so much. I will continue to volunteer and serve because of the amazing people we have here. There are so many opportunities. We are getting ready to start the nominations for the 2022 Board of Directors; there are Communities of Practice you can lead; we have committees you can be a member of from conference to strategic planning. We have mentoring. This organization has something for everyone to lend their voice, their expertise, and their time.

    If you would like to join me with the question “How Can I Help?” GOOD has all types of volunteer opportunities for you to get involved. Don’t wait, act today! Visit email to set up a 15-minute call.  Together, we will help you find the right role. I genuinely believe you will gain so much more than you can ever give.

     Krystena Sterling

  • Sunday, July 11, 2021 4:12 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    As I sat down to write the President’s Message and consider all the essential communications with my colleagues during this time, the one thing that kept popping up in my inbox were articles and memos about returning to work. If you are anything like me, I look back at the last year with happiness and exhaustion because of how resilient and nimble our workforces and organizations have been throughout this pandemic. It has been a rough ride, which genuinely has changed so many lives. I cannot help but wonder what impact it will have on our future of work. This brings me back to focusing on today and the current issue, which is returning to work.

    What does return to work look like in your organization? In many organizations, it means that people can flex their time and work part-time at home. Some individuals now have flex workstations and have given up their offices and cubicles. Some are going back to the office full-time, and yet for others, it means staying as a teleworker permanently. All of these options and changes cause yet again uncertainty, change, and many emotions for our workforce and ourselves.

    Deloitte has offered some insight into how to look at re-entry into the workforce. Their recommendations are to build agility for the future: Learn from the lessons of ramping down and leverage these to manage future requirements, look at your operating plan, and especially look at your planning for employee experience. One of the biggest tips I have heard not just from them, but reading in numerous articles is that an effective return to work will be highly dependent on how the employees engage with their leaders. The level of transparency and communication which leaders are providing during these uncertain times will make a difference. This was a not-so-subtle reminder that how we handle uncertainty and change as leaders are critical to the outcome, a lesson that can be a good reminder.

    This advice reminded me of the critical aspects we do well in OD, leadership development, coaching, and consulting.  These aspects are assisting with change and growth. Once again, your skills and talents will be called upon to help build the workforce back to a “new normal". I have no doubt it will be answered with excellent results.

    As an organization, GOOD is also exploring how we are going to handle going back to the "normal".  We have heard your comments about in-person meetings and listened to the comments about the new format. We don’t know the answer quite yet, but we are committed to having some great conversations and doing some research on what will be the best options for our community as a whole.

    As soon as we know more, we will share it with you. If you have any thoughts, please feel free to share them with us. We are always open to your feedback.

    As you start to transition to your “post-pandemic new normal” work-life, I know you will do it with grace and skill. Remember, you can leverage your GOOD community for assistance and advice. This network is a wonderful community to share ideas and best practices.

    Krystena Sterling

  • Monday, March 01, 2021 12:10 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    By now, I hope you have all moved into your 2021 groove, that your work and family life have moved past the New Year’s Resolutions, and life is humming along. We are still facing unprecedented times with COVID-19, social divide, and job losses amongst other things. However, on another front, what this network makes me think about is the power of kindness.

    We all come together in our bi-monthly meetings, in COP’s, in networking gatherings, and have even created lasting friendships through the power of this network. During these exceptionally hard times, the members of this network have demonstrated that we practice what we teach: leadership, values, and kindness to each other. I have been on the receiving end of this kindness when I was laid off, and our tribe of practitioners reached out to assist me in finding my next adventure. I have also been the one on the assisting end, helping colleagues chart their new course in life, coaching them through the process, or just being a friendly shoulder to support them.

    The simple acts of kindness have made me cherish this network so much. Would it surprise you to hear that our network has expanded past Central Florida? People have found us that live in other states and even other countries! That speaks volumes about each and every one of you.

    We all have our own stories, some seasons the stories are amazing, and some not so amazing. It is so wonderful to know that we have an amazing tribe of GOOD people that we can reach out to for assistance and guidance, even it is just for a good laugh to continue our journey. Kindness is the gift we can each give each other and our community, at no cost to us or anyone else. The repayment plan for this gift is very generous, we earn a great deal of joy and happiness in return.

    Thank you for being the amazing network that you are, for providing the power of kindness, sharing this power with each other and our community regardless of our social, political, or personal views.  I will always be here to offer you the same because the Power of Kindness will continue to make our network amazing and will build better communities around us. 

    Krystena Sterling

  • Monday, November 23, 2020 3:46 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Just like that, our year is ending! Usually, this time of year, we are all getting ready to spend quality time with our families for Thanksgiving and then start the holiday rush filled with gratefulness, hope, and most of all, family. However, this year it is a little different. We might not be able to have those large family gatherings. Some people are struggling due to being out of work or furloughed. Others are essential workers and concerned about the virus, or even just exhausted because longer and harder working hours. Some are worried about having a job, or even being the one must reduce jobs. These concerns do not bring up what this season usually brings to mind: love, gratefulness, and family. What comes to mind is anxiety and fear.  

    As a coach, I know fear is a widespread phenomenon. It is the core of what keeps people and organizations stuck. It is genuine and hard to get past. It is like an invisible wall that you do not even realize is there, sometimes acting like a friend, trying to keep you safe. However, as professionals, we know that the one constant in life is change, and fear makes that hard to do. So, this year because of all the added pressure, along with the shopping madness, I propose we try something different. We are the experts. We can set the examples for our communities, individuals, and even ourselves and help get through this season and make it a little more joyful and less fearful. 

    We cannot control everything, but we can control how we act and respond. Marshall Goldsmith has a straightforward practice he does every day. Every day he asks himself active questions and grades himself (0), no action, (1), action. The “active questions” can be anything you want. Start simple. Here are some simple suggestions to build gratitude and reduce fear. 

    Did I do my best today to: 

    • Be happy? 
    • Find meaning? 
    • Build positive relationships? 
    • Be engaged? 
    • Find something to be grateful for? 

    According to research, it is tough for your brain to engage this way and still be fearful. I do not know about you, but I think it worth a try. I have always had one straightforward goal for GOOD -- building connections and a community that cares about each. What is your goal? Would you like to join me in creating less fear? I would love to hear about the ways you reduce fear and build change. Feel free to drop me a note at

    Lastly, we will be sending out our annual survey shortly. Please take the time to let us know what you think. We serve to make this an organization for each of you to learn, grow, and network. We would love to hear how to improve. You can also email me directly with any thoughts.  

    Thank you for being part of the GOOD NETWORK this year on behalf of the entire leadership team. We are all thankful for each and everyone of you and we wish you all a safe, and joyful holiday season. Alone is Hard. Together is Better. 

    Warmest Wishes,


  • Monday, September 28, 2020 4:04 PM | Anonymous member (Administrator)

    With four months to go in 2020, I am watching our country still radically changing. I see division from social unrest in our cities. Covid-19 is wreaking havoc on our nation, causing health issues, job loss, and having financial impacts. Families are struggling to balance work, school, and life. I have heard from many of you who are working at home, managing working with the public, or who have changed jobs, are furloughed, or even laid off.  There are still so many unknowns. Our world has shifted so much in the past six months. This all makes me think about leadership and the importance it plays in our lives.

    When I was a young leader, one of my mentors told me, “they are always watching.” I took that to mean that I had to be perfect, and whatever decisions I made would be judged. What I have learned through the many years of leading from that time is that the statement is true to a certain extent. People are always watching those who lead them, and by the pure nature of being human, we judge. However, being a leader is so much more than that. Leadership in 2020 means being authentic, living your values, showing what I recently heard in one of our GOOD communities of practice, “radical kindness.” It means being vulnerable and admits you have flaws because we are all human, and as humans, we all have flaws. Leadership is about working together and allowing others to grow and flourish. Leadership is complex because it is about people.

    As a coach, I have learned about judgment, assumptions, stories we tell ourselves, opinions,  and unconscious bias. As an emotional scientist, I have also learned that our brains are potent and emotions have a powerful effect over our bodies. All of these mental processes can hold us hostage and prevent us from being our authentic selves and the best leaders we can be.

    In a time where we need leadership more than ever before, I ask you:  what type of leader you are? What mental processes do you allow to get in your way? Regardless of whether you own your own business, are an independent contributor, or lead a large team, you are a leader to someone. What values do you hold deeply, and demonstrate daily to those around you. Someone is always watching. What do you want them to see?

    As we get ready to elect a new board, and start to prepare for 2021, I am honored to be part of this incredible network. I believe our network has outstanding leaders with shared values that we can all learn from. We continue to grow and learn from each other, which is a tribute to each one of you. You have incredible talents that together make this network unique. Thank you for your leadership. Leadership does make a difference.

  • Sunday, June 07, 2020 12:00 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Dealing with our Emotions during Change

    As I write this for you, I am thinking about all the changes that have occurred in our world as of late. Over the last few months, we have maneuvered through both fantastic moments in time and challenging moments, Covid-19, Space-X launch, the unnecessary death of George Floyd. All of these are causing us and our organizations to rethink how we manage our lives and our businesses. I don’t know about you, but my emotions have been like a rollercoaster.  I have felt frustration, anger, scared, disappointed, and proud (Space X), just to name a few. These life events cause everyone to feel different emotions as we navigate the new world order. Emotions are not something new to any of us. Some of us are familiar with “leave your emotions at home,” “business is no place for emotions.” I would argue that emotions are just as important as logic, and you cannot have one without the other.  Emotions are the energy that fuels the action. Point in case, what we see with protesting are emotions. Emotions have driven people to create better ways to handle Covid-19. Emotions are drivers.

    As we start to come back to a new normal from Covid-19, and rethink how we demonstrate diversity and human rights the most important thing we can do is bring emotions to the forefront. Think about your own emotions. What are you feeling? Then look outward what do your friends, family, and coworkers feel? Don’t be afraid of emotions. Ask people, how are you feeling today? Each person has a story to tell; it is up to each of us to want to learn their story. I serve as your President for this reason. I have met remarkable people through GOOD that have memorable stories. Don’t be surprised if the next time I see you, I ask you- How are you feeling today? Until then, stay safe, healthy, and respectful of each other.

    Krystena Sterling, President

  • Thursday, December 05, 2019 10:11 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Letter from the President

    I am honored to be serving as the incoming President of the GOOD Network for 2020. What I truly love about our network is the diverse community of practitioners and how we learn from each other and build relationships. Our organization has practitioners from a variety of disciplines and sizes of companies, which speaks to the diversity of how much OD has grown through the years. As our network continues to grow and evolve, our goals remain the same; to produce quality programming to help enhance the development of professionals in our field and to create a space for colleagues to network and share experiences.

    This year we are bringing even more exciting experiences to you with our inaugural Good Network Conference, which will be held at the UCF Rosen College of Hospitality & Management on Friday, February 28, 2020. Our conference committee has been working hard to create a fantastic day for everyone. If you are new to GOOD, we also have thriving communities of practices where smaller groups break out into specific themes allowing for more intimate learning and networking. There is something for everyone, and if something is missing, we can always create it!

     I believe that our role as board members is to serve our members, and we genuinely take what you tell us and act on these suggestions and requests. We have an excellent board that works hard to deliver for our members. As your President, I want to hear from you. Please feel free to email me at

    I look forward to meeting each of you at an upcoming meeting or event. Until then have a Safe and Happy Holiday Season, and we will see each other in 2020!

    Krystena Sterling

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