Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





President's Message

The most recent President's Message can be found at the top of the list of posts.

  • Sunday, January 27, 2019 4:06 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    As the 2019 President for the GOOD Network, I am honored to work with the outstanding talented individuals on our Leadership Board, Communities of Practice, and our members in our OD profession. We recently celebrated our 15 year anniversary in December. Fifteen years, pretty awesome growth for our organization.   I am so excited about the upcoming year initiatives and goals we set for our OD profession.   

    First, I want to give a shout out to the people that are serving our group.  I encourage our members to reach out to our leaders.  Who are these great people stepping up to do good for the GOOD Network?  They come from all sizes of organizations and industries.  Refer to the organizational chart for names of our leadership team and their roles in GOOD Network.   Want to connect to with our GOOD Network Communities of Practice leaders, check out the groups and the respective leaders here.

    Membership for the Greater Orlando OD Network continues to experience growth with over 200+ members.  This is exciting because it demonstrates our growth  is organic and reflects how word-of-mouth referrals is expanding our association.  I am so proud of the people that make the GOOD Network shine, that is the message on the street.  Members share with people in the grocery store line, when meeting others at events, and when attending other professional groups.  If you are a new member, take a peek at the member page to see who else you might know in our membership.

    The key topic for this year’s message is Future of Work.  What I find exciting about this topic is its impact on our profession, the people we serve, and how we help solve and shape solutions.  The questions we are faced with include: 1) How does this impact our profession? 2) How do we impact the people that we serve? 3) How does this impact us individually?  The collective wisdom from our membership will shine and bring a diverse and rich knowledge base that benefits us professionally. Each one of us has something unique to bring to our profession.  

    My goals for 2019 during my tenure as President include: 

    1. Continuous improvements on our website to enhance engagement. 
    2. Continuing to unify and expand our communication outreach through multiple social channels that share the GOOD Network news and recognize individuals in our membership. 
    3. Creating more opportunities for members to contribute their time, talent, and gifts by joining or leading one of one of COP groups or assisting on an existing committee.
    4. Saving our biggest goal for last.  We have plans to host our own GOOD Network Conference in 2020.  If this is of interest to you, feel free to connect with one of our leadership team members to find out how you can participate. 

    This year’s bi-monthly events continue to bring outstanding value to our members. This is due to the suggestions and feedback you provide us.  February’s event is the beginning a great year with "The Culture Journey Learning Experience" -- Bi-monthly Meeting, February 8, 2019

    Over the next year, your GOOD Network board will work to respond to the ever-changing needs of our field.  We will enhance networking opportunities, strategic solutions, and continue to expand our member services.  We will continue to advocate for our profession, increase our visibility in the community, and incorporate breakout sessions and panel discussions in our meetings.  We will continue to recognize our membership for all they bring to GOOD Network through appreciation events and through social channels, along with other resources that enhance the GOOD Network’s benefit to its members.

    I look forward to connecting with each person that is a member of the GOOD Network.  Please feel free to chat with me at one of our regularly scheduled program meetings, communities of practice or networking events or reach out to me on my LinkedIn profile.


    Isabella Johnston, President

  • Tuesday, April 03, 2018 2:24 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Data, we love analytics -- qualitative, quantitative, and understanding how people learn. I started thinking about how we gather together at the GOOD Network to understand the who, why, and how we measure results in our profession.  It made me curious as to how many statistics we have kept about our organization and membership. Thus, I went to the board and as a collective group I am sharing the results:

    The GOOD Network started in 2003 with three people. Kristin Chase, Jerry Salsburg, and Wendy Grauer.  Every business starts with humble beginnings, and it is amazing to see how much we have grown. By the end of 2003, there were approximately 20 paid members.  

    Number of members at conception & current membership to date:

    • April 1, 2018:  173 (64 corporate and 109 individual)

    Membership highlights through the years:

    • August 2012:  93 (14 corporate and 79 individual)
    • November, 2013:  164 (39 corporate and 125 individual)
    • November 2014:  181 (37 corporate and 144 individual)
    • July 2015: 180
    • July 2017: 182

    With my entrepreneur hat on, I really enjoyed reviewing the historical side of GOOD Network. As an OD consultant, I love there are gaps and now we get to improve our processes. The nonprofit management consulting side of me also appreciate the numbers and wanted to serve our members greater value. Collecting data is one of the most important aspects of our roles in OD. I thought I would encourage everyone to do an annual check on how you collect data at your respective organizations (corporate partners) and if individual consultants, how you help your clients collect data.  

    I wanted to close with talent facts that we as consultants in HR and OD that might prove useful when sitting down at the table with our respective audience and clients. The info also makes for a cool infographic if you are so inclined to create and play. Hope you enjoy!

     Isabella Johnston, President of Good Network

     15 vital HR and talent facts that you should know heading into 2018 so you and your business can put your best foot forward.

    1. Attracting high quality candidates is the top challenge for 76% of hiring managers (Glassdoor).

    2. American employees are working harder than ever. Of those who receive paid time off, most used only 54% of their eligible vacation time in 2017(Glassdoor).

    3. 53% of employees report wanting a stronger health and wellness focus(Mercer).

    4. 79% of employees believe that employers should share responsibility for health and wellness with their staff, versus 11% who believe the responsibility is the employee’s alone (Westfield Health).

    5. Employee opinion counts! 46% of employees say they’d be more engaged with wellness if their employer asked about their preferences (Westfield Health).

    6. Moreover, 74% of employees reported feeling more satisfied, motivated, and loyal when they know an employer cares about their wellness (Westfield Health).

    7. Replacing an employee costs employers 33% of that employee’s annual salary (Work Institute).

    8. The average employee is 1.5% more likely to stay with a company when changing roles if offered a 10% raise on their base pay, even when controlling for job title, industry, business size, and location. (Glassdoor).

    9. Everyone likes the ability to choose; 56% of employees want flexible work options (Mercer). 

    10. Employee turnover is 25% lower at companies that support remote work(OwlLabs).

    11. There’s still something to be said for in-office work. Employees who spent 15 minutes socializing with coworkers during their workday exhibited a 20% performance boost (FastCompany).

    12. If your staff does work remote, make sure you have the right video softwareto keep in touch, since video conferencing is 30% better for communication than audio alone (OwlLabs).

    13. If you use talent software, make sure it’s in the cloud. Gartner predicts that by 2020, cloud revenue will account for over 62% of the global software market, up from 50% in 2017 (Gartner).

    14. Diverse hiring is successful hiring. Gender and ethnic diversity are positively correlated with business performance by up to 15% and 35%, respectively (Gartner).

    15. Just because you lose an employee, it doesn’t mean they hate you63% of employees rated their former employer “very good” or “excellent” after leaving the company (Work Institute).


  • Monday, January 01, 2018 3:25 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Dear Good Members, 

    As the 2018 incoming President for GOOD Network, I am truly honored to work with the outstanding talented individuals on our Leadership Board, Communities of Practice, and our  members in our OD profession.  I will work hard to enhance your dedication to promoting the OD profession and meet your expectations as an organization.  

    I cannot do this alone, and I am grateful for the team of talented, knowledgeable, and humble professionals I am privileged to work with.  There are familiar names and new people that have joined on our Board and CoP and organization committees. Refer to the organizational chart for names of our leadership team and their roles in GOOD Network.  I encourage you to meet someone new each time you attend a GOOD Network event.  

    Our Greater Orlando OD Network now has over 200 members and is comprised of corporate members and individual consultants.  

    When contemplating the message to share with you all, the key word I chose is innovation. To better understand the significance of the word, I thought a brief overview of the history of OD as a profession and background on our local chapter should be the starting place to embrace how technology and innovation are changing our profession. Some of you may not know about the history of our profession, my hope is you find this of interest and value. For more information about the OD Network, go to The Organization Development Network website.

    Bill Gellermann and Mark Frankel spearheaded a global effort to develop and disseminate a statement of values and ethics in organization and human systems development. Their efforts brought together widespread support, over 600 people from 25 countries that referenced values and ethics in our profession that established a Statement of Values and Ethics and an Organization and Human Systems Development Credo that is the framework of OD.  

    A brief summary of the OD Network Credo is 

    Our purpose as professionals is to facilitate processes by which human beings and human systems live and work together for their mutual benefit and mutual well-being. Our practice is based on a widely shared learning and discovery process dedicated to a vision of people living meaningful, productive, good lives in ways that simultaneously serve them, their organizations, their communities, their societies, and the world.

    We are an interdependent community of professionals whose practice is based on the applied behavioral sciences and other related sciences, a human systems perspective, and both human and organizational values. We serve people at all system levels, ranging from individuals and groups to organizations, communities, and ultimately the global community.  

    The expanded latest version of the Credo is found here and definitely worth a read that requires reflection.  It is beautiful and should make you feel proud of what you do. 

    Moving to our own Greater Orlando OD Network, I was fortunate to have time with Vicki Lavendol, [previous GOOD Network President and current executive leadership member] who shared 2014 strategic plan as part of my orientation. This helped me have greater appreciation into the thought leadership behind our professional organization.  There were three overarching themes established:

    1. Enhance bi-monthly meeting value with quality standards
    2. Expand value beyond bi-monthly meetings, thus communities of practice were born
    3. Engage greater leadership and volunteer opportunities

    The individuals that spent time and forethought in 2014 by creating GOOD Network best practice standards at that retreat made it possible for our chapter to be recognized as with an Outstanding Regional Network Award in 2015 from the national OD Network.  When I interviewed for the position of President of GOOD Network, I knew I wanted to keep those standards in place and work to have our chapter recognized for that award again.   I am so excited to work with the seasoned members of the leadership team and the new members that bring such rich experience and background to our organization.  I look forward to meeting with the executive team in January 2018 to look at those guidelines with the goal of achieving that recognition again.  

    My goals for 2018 during my tenure as President include: 

    1. Apply and win recognition as an outstanding regional chapter organization
    2. Unify and expand our communication outreach through multiple social channels that share the GOOD Network news and recognize individuals in our membership
    3. Educate our members about trends and future innovation in our profession. The Organization Development Network Annual Conference (October 18-October 21, 2018) and will be held in Alexandria, Virginia. I encourage you all to attend the conference.  I plan on attending and will share the latest in our profession with you through blog articles and updates via social channels. What a great way to network with others in our profession and expand your reach outside of Orlando. My hope is to bring awareness to other OD professionals attending and encourage them to connect with our membership and look for opportunities to bring awareness to our region that expands our reach.

    We have new communities of practice you can attend from a monthly book club featuring the book we received in October (Radical Collaboration), to webinars about trends in technology, external AND internal consulting groups, a new training and learning group, coaching, and mentoring.  We continue to push the boundaries and find ways to bring more value to our members based on feedback and the wonderful network of individuals that step up to volunteer. 

    Over the next year, your GOOD Network board will work to respond to the ever-changing needs of our field.  We will enhance networking opportunities, strategic solutions, and continue to expand our member services.  We will continue to advocate for our profession, increase our visibility in the community, and incorporate breakout sessions and panel discussions in our meetings.  We will continue to recognize our membership for all they bring to GOOD Network through appreciation events and through social channels, along with other resources that enhance the GOOD Network’s benefit to its members.

    I look forward to meeting each person that is a member of the GOOD Network.  I encourage you to reach out to me at or speak with me at one of our regularly scheduled program meetings, communities of practice or networking events.


    Isabella Johnston, President

  • Friday, January 27, 2017 11:21 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Welcome to the GOOD Network 2017.  Can you believe that we are entering our 14th year?  Your Leadership Team is excited and looking forward in continuing to offer interactive, diverse, and dynamic learning opportunities that will make a positive impact on our members and the organizations our members serve.

    In addition to the fabulous bi-monthly meetings we are working on, we are continuing this year in bringing added value to your membership through the multiple community of practice groups, the mentoring program, regular social events,  and service projects through out the year.   

    Your Leadership Team also hopes to build a community where you feel like you belong.  We are available to answer questions, take suggestions or help you in getting better connected.  Just reach out to us.  But don’t be surprised if we reach out to you first. We are here to make your GOOD Network experience great and we look forward to seeing you in 2017!  


    Rob Rogers

  • Monday, December 26, 2016 11:32 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    We have a lot to celebrate. But first let me say as we close out the GOOD Network year for 2016, what a pleasure it has been to serve you.  We have ended the year with a membership of over 180,we have multiple, active Community of Practice groups meeting often, and relationships being formed and developed through our regular socials and mentoring program.  Our 2016 member survey told us that you are very satisfied with our bi­monthly programs and that you continue to find this organization of great value.   I want to say thank you to the entire group of leadership team members and volunteers who have made this a fantastic year for the GOOD Network. We recently voted for the 2017 Leadership Team and I have recently met with them. Let me say that they are fabulous and talented people who really love this organization.  As I lead us again in 2017, please know that we are open to your suggestions and feedback and we hope that you will invite your friends and colleagues to visit a bi­monthly meeting very soon.

  • Saturday, July 30, 2016 2:16 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    GOOD Network is comprised of professionals who are performing OD, HR, training, consulting, coaching, mentoring, administration, management and more.  Your GOOD Network is well respected in Central Florida and within the OD community at-large. There are many reasons for our success.  One is that we have an amazing membership that has sustained and grown for over 11 years.  You’re involvement continues to support the learning and development of one another and the organizations where we serve.  If you have never attended one of the Community of Practice groups, schedule to attend one.  They’re fantastic!  And don’t worry if your job title doesn’t match the COP group name.  You are welcome to attend any and all of them.  Who knows, you may just be surprised at what your learn and who you’ll meet.

    Rob Rogers, President

  • Friday, April 01, 2016 6:00 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Dear GOOD Network members, 

    In this post,  I want to highlight one of the benefits to being a GOOD Network member that you may not think about normally. The website! This resource not only allows you to register for all of our events but it offers so much more. Let me draw your attention to the Member Directory. Our network represents many organizations, in both for­profit and not­for­profit sectors. Our members are professionals who want to support one another and they do it so well. Whether you are looking for that next position, need professional advice, or just want to get to know someone better over coffee or a meal, don’t forget to resource the Member Directory. 

    Rob Rogers 

    2016 GOOD Network President

  • Monday, February 29, 2016 6:02 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    What can you do to make the most of your GOOD Network membership? Is improving your network important to you? Are you needing to build relationships with like­minded individuals or are you hoping to meet someone who can introduce you to your next position? Is it time to investigate open leadership positions? Is professional development most important to you? Whether you’re attending the bi­monthly programs, a SIG or a social event, identify your expectation and determine what action you will need to take that will support your membership GOOD GOALS. Together we’ll make 2016 great! 

    Rob Rogers, President

  • Monday, December 14, 2015 3:54 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    It is my honor and pleasure to serve as the 2016 President for GOOD Network. 

    Ever since I joined in April of 2011, the benefits of my membership have yet to cease, and I’m sure that you can relate.  Our bi-monthly programs and Special Interest Groups (SIGs) meetings always leave me walking away with timely tools and best practices that I can apply to work, home, and play.  The networking is rich here as well because our members are both knowledgable OD professionals, but are also willing to serve each other with their expertise, encouragement and support.  

    This year I, along with our GOOD Network Leadership Team, will continue to build on the strengths that have made this network so special, increase the value of membership and plan volunteering events that benefit the Central Florida community.

    Please reach out to me with questions, suggestions or just to introduce yourself if we haven’t met yet.  I look forward to seeing you in 2016!


    Rob Rogers

  • Sunday, December 13, 2015 8:47 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    The GOOD Network had a great 2015!  

    2015 successes to celebrate include these and more:
    • GOOD  has 48 corporate/159 individual members. 
    • About 550 attended the great programs at Goodwill.
    • 2016 programs are scheduled for a year of growth. 
    • GOOD financial position is strong; but membership renewals provide for our speakers and meals. 
    • GOOD doing good debuted with 2 volunteer events.
    • We had a successful social event for members.  
    • The highlight of the year was winning the Outstanding Regional Network Award at ODN      (The Organization Development Network).

    Thank you for making the GOOD Network great!  Your active participation and support are highly valued.  Together let’s welcome 2016 and the GOOD 2016 volunteer leadership team!  

    Happy Holidays,


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