Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





President's Message

The most recent President's Message can be found at the top of the list of posts.

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  • Thursday, June 20, 2024 2:57 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    We have two new volunteers to help take us from GOOD to Great!  Amy Jennings has stepped in as Director of Community Programs and Events on the Board.  Yanalee Tejera has volunteered to manage our social media Group LinkedIn account.  It's not to late to find your niche on our extended leadership team.   Let us know where your interests lie!

  • Thursday, May 16, 2024 8:05 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    We’re delighted at the fantastic response to our 2024 kickoff event at Second Harvest with speaker Jim Knight. It was great to see so many faces in the room and on Zoom. We'll be returning to this location in April. We’ve also had a great response to our first social of the year at BJ’s Brewhouse. So glad to see you all re-connecting—and welcoming new members! Your leadership team, including committee members, is working hard to make GOOD work for you and I want to say thanks to them all for getting us off to a great start in 2024. 

  • Tuesday, January 16, 2024 11:10 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    A new year, a new adventure! We had a fantastic year of re-connection and re-invention in 2023 and the changes aren't done yet. Our next challenge will be a new location and all that comes with it. We'll continue to adapt and learn, and your involvement is key from volunteering to assist with events to providing your feedback. Thank you in advance for being an active part of what makes GOOD so great! 

    Peggy Jackson, President

  • Tuesday, November 28, 2023 3:44 PM | Anonymous

    2023 Annual Report to the Membership

    It’s hard to believe we are looking at the finish line for 2023!

    Back in January, the Board embraced a couple key themes for the year: reconnection and re-invention and made a commitment to focus on member experience and open, timely communication. We wanted to surprise and delight you, while also testing the waters in a return to in-person experiences. We hope we’ve done that.

    Our biggest accomplishment in 2023 was shifting to a hybrid bi-monthly program to accommodate both in-person and remote attendees. We’re thrilled we were able to do this thanks to the magic of technology and the space provided by Goodwill Industries. We continue to work together to increase our skills in hybrid engagement.

    We also saw a return to a full schedule of in-person social events and, now, end our year with an in-person GOOD Doing Good event on December 8th. In other words, we’re back, baby! Our Communities of Practice and Mentoring cohort continue online, at the preference of those involved, and on average have high engagement.

    I’m thrilled to share that our membership grew in 2023 by nearly 50 members! I hope you’ve already renewed for 2024 so you can take advantage of:

    • 6 bi-monthly learning sessions a year featuring thought leaders and practitioners in areas such as Org Development; Org Effectiveness; Change Management; Talent or Learning & Development, including an opportunity to present at our annual Best Practices session.
    • 20+ meetings per year offered by our Communities of Practice, with content curated by members. 
    • Mentoring program with opportunity to serve as a mentor, a protege or both. 
    • Access to a network of over 200 professionals involved in Organization Development, as both internal leaders and external consultants, who are potential thought partners, strategic alliances, project or program resources. 
    • Direct connection to job opportunities in the field or referrals to decision makers, through meeting announcements, job board and informal outreach. 
    • Opportunities to develop leadership skills and give back to our profession through involvement on the Board, Leadership Team or committees.

    I’ve always found GOOD to be an incredible value and I trust you do too. We appreciate your taking a few minutes to respond to our member survey, if you haven’t already. This feedback is crucial to our 2024 planning process. We were able to apply many of your suggestions this year and look forward to doing so again next year.  

    Many thanks to our Board, Leadership Team and many volunteers. As a member-run organization, none of this happens without you. 

    To all members, thank you for another year of growing and learning together. See you in 2024! 

    Warmest regards,


  • Thursday, September 28, 2023 3:52 PM | Anonymous

    It’s incredible to think we are already preparing for a successful 2024! We look forward to welcoming new Board members and I’m happy that the regrowth of our leadership team continues with more folks raising their hands for committee opportunities. Many hands make for light work, and diverse voices are key to meeting the needs of our membership. I’m excited to see what’s next as we all work together to make this member-led community a rich one for all. 

  • Saturday, August 12, 2023 3:53 PM | Anonymous

    Connection. What does it mean to you? To me, it means taking a moment, inquiring, actively listening and sharing of yourself as well. One of our goals this year as an organization was to connect and (re)connect more. So, take a moment at our next bi-monthly meeting to talk with someone you haven’t met yet (in person or on virtual chat.) Schedule a follow-up 1:1 to learn more. You never know what commonality, opportunity or simply joy you’ll find! 

    Peggy Jackson

  • Tuesday, June 06, 2023 10:02 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Did you know? As a member, you can access the Board Minutes, Annual Budget and much more at any time through the Members Content section of our website. One of the Board’s areas of focus in 2023 is open and timely communication with you. And we’ll ask for the same from you. Let us know what you think and what else you want to know! Connect with us via the LinkedIn group or email us at:

    Peggy Jackson, 2023 President

  • Monday, April 10, 2023 8:30 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Your voice matters! 

    Our April speaker came from a member suggestion in the year-end Member Survey and we’re thrilled to have him join us. We’ll also be continuing to experiment and refine our hybrid meeting design based on your feedback from our first session of 2023. Thank you, keep your recommendations coming and let's keep iterating!

    What Role Will You Play?

    No organization can sustain itself for long without a little re-invention. New leadership and new ideas are critical, so we’re thrilled to welcome three first time Board members and one new COP leader over the past six months. To get involved, check out the open opportunities on the GOOD Org Chart here (must login) and contact Margo Hamel, Nominating Committee Chair, at for more details.

    Peggy Jackson, 2023 President

  • Saturday, January 28, 2023 3:43 PM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Happy New Year!

    Your 2023 Board members, both new and returning, are excited to get started in serving YOU as stewards of this unique community we call the GOOD Network. Our first step was listening to you—carefully reading your thoughtful feedback on the Member Survey—and basing our areas of focus for the year on themes that stood out, including: 

    • Member Experience 
    • Open & Timely Communication

    To see the survey results for yourself, you’ll find the link along with some highlights in the Member Newsletter coming out this week. 

    I’m happy to share that those of you eager to return to in-person experiences will have that opportunity beginning with our February bi-monthly workshop. And for those who prefer to connect and learn virtually, we will continue welcoming attendance via Zoom. All dates are listed in the Member Newsletter and on the website. So, register and mark your calendar now! I expect there may be challenges as we navigate this new hybrid world, but I believe together we can co-create great member experiences for all. 

    Also, this year we are celebrating 20 amazing years of the GOOD Network! Looking ahead, what I see is a year of (re)connection and discovery. I look forward to connecting or re-connecting with all of you and discovering how we can best support each other professionally as we look forward to the next 20 years of GOOD. 


    Peggy Jackson

  • Saturday, December 03, 2022 10:01 AM | Carol Emmett (Administrator)

    Can you believe that 2022 is ending? What a whirlwind year it has been! 

    As Co-Presidents, we paused to reflect on GOOD’s path this past year as we prepare to pass the torch on to Peggy Jackson, Incoming President, and the 2023 Board. We are truly honored and proud of the work this year’s GOOD Board, committees and Communities of Practices (CoP) have accomplished. We extend our heartfelt ‘THANK YOU!’ for your tireless efforts and continued support of GOOD NETWORK community.

    We understand that volunteering time to sit on a Board and working on active committees can be challenging. This year, and the last two years, many of us were stretched thin with competing life-work demands and unprecedented societal changes due to the pandemic. It has also been a time of meaningful change for our GOOD community, which consists of a committed group of professionals that look to this network for networking, support, and development.

    As in prior years, we came into 2022 reviewing the GOOD Membership Survey and refining our strategic plan based on feedback regarding the organization, programming, and other offerings.  This has been a continued practice as the diverse perspectives, values, and needs of our members are not only valued, but are what takes GOOD to GREAT!

    The 2021 Member Survey Results highlighted the following:

    • Members wanted to focus on key programming offering content offered bi-monthly meetings, while the annual best practice review had mixed reviews.
    • Members reported mixed reviews on in-person, virtual only, and hybrid meeting formats.
    • Member wanted more of a voice regarding the survey results and periodic updates regarding initiative implemented.
    • Overall, GOOD is pretty good! Members ranked the organization a Net Promoter Score (NPS) was 77. A NPS rating of 70+ is considered World Class. They expressed feeling welcomed, wanted more input in programming, and having a voice regarding how the survey results were incorporated

    You spoke and we listened! 

    As such, the Board reviewed what was done in prior years’ strategy sessions, integrated this valuable 2021 membership feedback, and refined our focus with the intent of working on the following items this year:

    Programming --  (led by Leon Jabrow, VP of Programming)

    Members wanted to focus on key programming offering content offered bi-monthly meetings, while the annual best practice review had mixed reviews.

    • Member Survey Feedback: Our diverse and interactive GOOD community wanted to learn best practices, share ideas, and network with other professionals regarding topics such as Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DE&I), the Future of Work, the ‘New Normal’ in OD, large scale organizational change, among others. 
    • Action Taken: Leon and the Programming committee broke the mold of the bi-monthly meetings, added networking time for members, a COP Corner, and brought a “mini best practice” into every meeting. Further, they delivered member requested content, best practices, and learning opportunities on the following topics:  
    • “It’s All About Context! Optimizing Learning for and in the Workplace” by Dr. Jerome L. Rekart, Vice President at Southern New Hampshire University (SNHU)
    • “Leading Change, Tomorrow: At the Intersection of OD and Change Management” by Tim Creasey, Chief Innovation Officer at Prosci.
    • "Design Thinking for Consultants: Tools & Methods to Promote Engagement, Creativity, & Productivity” by Hannah Benson, CEO & Founder of SALT Collaboratory.
    • "Connect ~ Inspire ~ Influence" by Cynthia Blackwell, published author of The Magical Power of 3 – Roadmap to Success, Wealth & Happiness
    • This innovative programming approach was not limited to the bimonthly but also included GOOD’s 17th Annual Best Practices, which was jammed packed of dynamic presentations from Suzan Hochstetler of CURIUM, Kevin W. McCarthy of On-Purpose Partners, and Isabella Johnston of The Intern Whisperer and Employer4Change. 

    Every time members met, they got the benefit of learning from OD subject matter experts as well as given time for them to discuss their needs, further providing a venue for member feedback and engagement.

    • Decision/Next Steps: We look forward to seeing how Leon and his committee brings programming innovation, meeting creativity, and member interactions to the next level in 2023.

    Bi-monthly Meeting Format: In-person, virtual and/or hybrid meetings (led by Krystena Sterling)

    Members had mixed reviews on in-person, virtual only, and hybrid meeting formats
    • Member Survey Feedback: To gain further clarity of members’ level of comfort to remain virtual (due to COVID numbers and vaccination rates), while balancing other members’ desires to reconnect in person, periodic check-ins and updates were provided via bi-monthly meetings, newsletters, and the website.
    • Action Taken: Various locations that were geographically convenient, with live streaming or remote IT capabilities, and within the feasibility of GOOD’s resources were explored. 
    • Decision/Next Steps: After continuous conversations about the different meeting formats, the anticipated low in-person attendance and other logistical considerations, the overwhelming feedback is that the general membership was not ready to go in-person…so we paused. The Board finally decided to remain virtual and look forward to coming back to in person or a hybrid format in 2023.

    Member Engagement

    Members wanted more of a voice regarding the survey results and periodic updates regarding initiative implemented.
    • Member Survey Feedback: Members provide quarterly updates of actions taken based upon the survey.
    • Action Taken: The Board explored ways of obtaining member feedback on a continuous basis regarding a variety of avenues to ensure that members were asked intentional questions, the environment was conducive to having robust conversations and refine current process to increase member engagement is different offerings or Board committees. The Top 3 Member Engagement Initiatives were:
    • “Let’s Talk” or Member Community forum: We want to continue the dialogue with our members from the 2021 survey by creating a safe space to engage in meaningful conversations about topics that are of keen interest to our membership and moving GOOD forward together.  As such, the Board explored having a venue on a quarterly basis to garner continued feedback from members on a variety of OD and GOOD related topics. The decision was made to fold “Let’s Talk” into the bimonthly meetings where most members were already attending. 
    • GOOD Mentorship Program: After a hugely successful 2021-2022 program led by Clayton Alves and Susan Walker, the 2022-2023 Mentorship Committee added Jennifer Gonzalez to the team and enhanced this year’s program based on the feedback from previous Mentors and Mentees. The 2022-2023 Mentorship Program launched on October 11th.
    • Reduced Membership Fees: In celebration of 20 Year Anniversary, the Board approved the proposal from Tara Goodlander and Donna Hogan for reduced membership fees in 2023.

    As we grow as individuals, a membership, and organization, we must continue to think local and reach global. As of 12/1/2022, GOOD had a total of 176 members, of which 114 are Individual Members, 62 are Corporate Members from 9 Corporate Groups. 

    We have a LinkedIn group of 800 members.  While Florida and the US may have once been our first thought geographically, we are now part of an online global community that includes people from all over the world. This offers a unique opportunity as OD professionals to connect, engage, and network with professions from HR, coaching, consulting, L&D,  and other disciplines, while sharing industry trends, best practices, and diverse perspectives. 

    Further, to continue to be ranked above a 70+ NPS by our members, we must not only state but live our GOOD DEI statement - “we are committed to listening, learning, and having courageous conversations, inclusive behaviors, and grace as we work together to intentionally create a culture of belonging that nurtures a GOOD community for all.”  We do this by periodically assessing and refining our governance, Board and committee structures as well as other operational policies.

    GOOD Governance & Board Structure (led by Kristin Chase, Advisory Board Member)
    • Member Feedback: As an OD community of professionals, are we ‘conducting our business’ within current best practices and emerging professional standards?
    • Action Taken: To answer that question, a Governance Committee was established to review the existing bylaws and to implement process improvement regarding governance and operations. Kristin and the Committee conducted an evaluation of not only the current bylaws, but also what best practices are incorporate in similar nonprofit organizations. Internal GOOD governing documents, including the organizational chart (board positions and job descriptions, committees, and CoPs), policies, guidelines, other operational documents, and member agreements were analyzed. Further, the ad hoc DE&I Committee was activated to support the integration of best practices related to diversity, equity and inclusion based on our current membership composition, social demographic changes and to create an inclusive environment where individuals can engage with the organization. With this robust assessment, the GOOD bylaws were modernized, and presented to the Board and full Membership for approval. 
    • Decision/Next Steps: The updated GOOD Bylaws were approved by the Board and membership voted to adopt on August 15, 2022. Members have access to the Bylaws document on the Governance webpage in the Member Content section. (member login required) 

    Needless to say, the 2022 Board was busy! We also made a conscious effort to ‘stick to the basics’ because we were fully aware of the current burn-out that everyone was facing, and we did not want to stretch too much. Krystena, as the past President, was aware of how much the Board pushed the past 2 years, during the pandemic. As such, we tried to stay focused on the initiatives that would have the most meaningful impact for our members, our program offerings and at our core – the welcoming and heartfelt connection with our GOOD community. 

    As members, your unique perspectives are appreciated, and your voices are valued. As Co-Presidents working with the Board, we wanted to hear from you and encourage you to not only continue to share but get actively involved. We may not always get it right, but the Board committed to continuously improving to provide the best GOOD experience we can. 

    It is the only way we can continue to work together and make strides in making GOOD great! 

    In closing, it has been an incredible honor and privilege to lead this board. Krystena has led as President for the last three years and Xaulanda for this last year, with both having other Board positions prior. This Board has worked tirelessly to ensure that through all the internal changes, coupled with the dynamics of the external environment and social dynamics, that we remain focus on our mission - to create a diverse and interactive community that provides continuous learning by sharing ideas, resources and best practices.

    Together, we want to thank the board members departing this year, including Kristin Chase, Tara Goodlander, Karen Agrait, Clayton Alves and Dr. Xaulanda Simmonds-Emmanuel for all the hard work and dedication they have given to GOOD. Krystena will remain as an Advisory Board member.

    We look forward to 2023, the new board, and hopefully seeing all our members in person for the first time in almost 3 years. Thank you for being a part of this world class network. 

    We hope you have a wonderful and safe holiday season.

    Krystena and Xaulanda

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