That’s right – the GOOD network is for you and needs you!
This is the season to begin thinking about the coming year leadership – who will step up to take GOOD to the next level.
This year, 2014, is turning out to be a year of reflection and research on the future role of the GOOD Network. The Network is 11 years old, and as fast as the world changes, we are executing on the vision that was launched over a decade ago. Is it still the right vision? Perhaps. But as OD practitioners know, leadership has to reflect and refresh in this time of constant change.
In August we will come together to ask and answer some fundamental questions about the GOOD Network – today and in the future. The Leadership Team will use that reflection to guide us in validating or refreshing our vision and mission.
One thing that is abundantly clear now, however, is the need for an engaged membership who actively participates in the work of the Network. In 2013, we restructured the Leadership Team using a Committee structure in order to involve more members in the programs and processes.
For the 2015 Leadership Team, we need organizational officers and committee members who will step up, share the work, and strengthen our infrastructure.
We need YOU!
Being part of a non-profit Board or Committee is a great learning experience. It puts you in the critical position of leading policy, finance and operations. In the field of OD, we don’t often get that vantage point but we need it to understand what our clients are experiencing.
Please consider volunteering for a leadership role in 2015.