"Leading Your Learners: How leaders can perpetuate a culture of learning"
Leadership Development CoP
Friday, October 20th, 2023 at 9:00 - 10:30 AM
This program is to be developed. If you would like to facilitate this October Leadership Development CoP, please reach out to Kristine Ryan with your ideas!
Program Description:
Join this open discussion with a few entertaining visuals from Kristine Ryan, CoP leader and OD Specialist at Avant Healthcare Professionals. Leaders often punt all phases of learning to their OD and/or L&D teams, and don't always realize what affects that can have on the entire organization.
Come to the meeting with some thoughts about how you have seen leaders fall short of fostering learning throughout the employee life cycle, or when they've really knocked it out of the park.
Wanna facilitate a discussion or know someone who does? Suggested topics (based on the survey done earlier this year):
Situational Leadership (highly requested!) Emerging leader programs Internal promotions and new leader training Performance coaching Communication, healthy conflict, and accountability conversations Leadership competencies 360 tools Leading a hybrid team Time management and delegation Current leadership development trends Giving & Receiving Feedback What all leadership development programs should have
We'd love the pick your brain and the brains of the other smart people you know, so please contact CoP leader, Kristine Ryan, with your ideas!
LOCATION: Zoom meeting details are included in your registration confirmation email. You will receive a reminder email a day or so before the meeting as well.