14th Annual Best Practices Learning Session -- June 14, 2019 Bi-monthly Meeting
OUR June Bi-Monthly Program Stars OUR TALENTED MEMBERS!
Each June we host our Annual Best Practices learning session where our members are the stars of the show! This is often our most highly rated program each year.
Speakers & Presentation Topics
(Bios Further Below)
Paul DePalma with "Liberating Structures"
Conventional interaction structures can be too inhibiting (presentations, status reports and managed discussions) or too loose and disorganized (open discussions and brainstorms) to creatively engage people in shaping their own future. Liberating Structures are techniques to engage groups to achieve objectives in an effective and meaningful way. We’ll review many of the structures, share some examples of positive experiences, and experience how the techniques might work for you.
Peggy Jackson with "The Power of Group Mentoring"
Mentoring has been a hot topic in leadership development for decades but has produced mixed results. One type of mentoring—group mentoring—has the potential to more consistently create the type of impact often sought in mentoring programs. This session will cover benefits of group mentoring, pitfalls to avoid and best practices to help make group mentoring a powerful part of an organization’s leadership development portfolio.
Zeynep Portway with "Succession Planning: Tools & Tactics for Successful Implementation"
Succession planning done right will have tremendous positive results for the organization. This session will explore the different perspectives and tools that can be used to have a solid and long-term plan. Will also talk about the tools to measure success and the data that can help steer in the right direction.
Jonathan Pugh with "Belbin Team Roles"
With people spending an increasing amount of time working on various types of teams today, team effectiveness has become more important than ever. But what makes some teams more successful than others? This session will review each of the nine Belbin Team Roles and how team role mapping can be accomplished using the Belbin Team Roles Inventory (BTRI) assessment. Results and interpretation from an actual BTRI report will be included.
AdventHealth (Clayton Alves, Josh Mixon, & Jennifer Crowell) with "A Success Formula for Change: Leadership Engagement"
We are all involved in change in some way, and we know change doesn’t come easy. As leaders of change, masterfully engaging leaders is essential. Not just any leader, the most influential leaders are needed for driving change. This session provides a formula to successfully implement a change initiative by aligning leadership, so they will sponsor the change and provide insights into the change strategy. Our formula includes the following imperatives: identification of influential stakeholders and partnering with senior executives who will serve as project sponsors and change leaders.
Brief Bios of Each Presenter
Paul DePalma with "Liberating Structures"
Paul DePalma is the CEO of ADEPT Leadership® in Orlando FL and has been a resident of Central Florida since 1992. With an undergraduate degree in Economics from Boston College, a Masters in Organization Development from Bowling Green State University, and more than thirty years of practical experience, he has earned his reputation as a highly effective organization consultant, coach and group facilitator.
Peggy Jackson with "The Power of Group Mentoring"
Peggy serves as Principal Consultant of Thrive Development Partners, LLC, partnering with businesses and individuals seeking to maximize their talent. Peggy earned her Master’s degree in Human Resources from Rollins College and a Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration specializing in Organizational Behavior & Management, from the University of Houston.
Zeynep Portway with "Succession Planning: Tools & Tactics for Successful Implementation"
Zeynep has worked with organizations like Christian HELP and Goodwill Industries as a Program Director to assist those who are unemployed or underemployed find jobs. She has also served on the boards of GOSHRM as the Director of Workforce Readiness, the GOOD Network and National Association of Workforce Development Professionals. In these roles she successfully designed, launched and managed several workforce readiness initiatives.
Jonathan Pugh with "Belbin Team Roles"
Jonathan Pugh is an Organizational Effectiveness and Human Capital Consultant with a passion for helping people and organizations improve performance. Jonathan’s broad portfolio of federal clients includes the U.S. Department of Transportation, National Science Foundation, Defense Civilian Personnel Advisory Service, U.S. Army Medical Research Institute of Infectious Diseases, National Institutes of Health, and the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development.
AdventHealth (Clayton Alves, Josh Mixon, & Jennifer Crowell) with "A Success Formula for Change: Leadership Engagement"
Clayton Alves is a senior manager in the executive organizational readiness group within AdventHealth. He specializes in technology adoption and is leading the change management work for the implementation of a talent management system. Josh Mixon is a change management practitioner on the executive organizational readiness group within AdventHealth. He specializes in business development supporting the change management efforts implementing a cloud-based talent management system. Jennifer Crowell is organizational readiness lead for AdventHealth, where she has supported change initiatives at the enterprise level for business transformation and technology implementations since 2015.