"Moving Targets" presented by Michael Chetta and Kevin Masick
In the past, decisions have been made on hunches, beliefs, or past experience. Technology has evolved to open new doors and terabytes of data waiting to be statistically analyzed. The word ‘statistics’ often generates fear/anxiety based on a lack of skill with effectively interpreting the data. Learn and apply a conceptual model, toolkit and tools provide a systematic approach to analyzing data while promoting critical thinking to leverage the power of statistics for decision making during this session.
“Bridging the On-Boarding Gap with 7 Simple Steps” presented by Les Cowie
Still today, most job entrants, after receiving a good sign-on and organization orientation, are walked across to their new position, introduced to whomever may be there at the time, and then left to integrate into the new job by trial and error. That gap can be bridged with 7 simple steps. Les introduces the 7 Step concept and then leads a workshop-style exercise to capture and demonstrate at least one of the 7 Steps.
"Growth Mindset as a Foundation of Success" presented by Scott McComas
Growth Mindset is more than just having a positive attitude. It encompasses motivation, persistence, openness, skill development, and more. The application of the Growth Mindset can be an invaluable tool, not only for individuals and teams, but for entire companies. This presentation will provide an overview of the Growth Mindset and how you can use the Growth Mindset to help build a foundation of success.
"Energy Leadership" presented by Sindy Cassidy
Powerful leaders motivate themselves and inspire others to reach their true potential. By developing the ability to shift our internal energy “in the moment” we can draw on the strength behaviors that serve us vs. the stress behaviors that can limit our leadership effectiveness. In this session you will learn:
- The seven distinct levels of energy that impact our thoughts, emotions, and how we show up in our life and more specifically, as leaders in our workplace.
- Discover the power and choice you have around responding and reacting to challenges, obstacles, and circumstances.
Mike Chetta is a cofounder and current managing partner at Talent Metrics Consulting, a Human Resources Management consulting firm focused on helping organizations improve through an emphasis on current performance and future strategy.
Kevin Masick is owner of Masick Consulting, LLC and Moving Targets Consulting. He focuses on coaching and consulting with clients on research methodology and statistics in healthcare.
Les Cowie has enjoyed a distinguished career working with venture capital groups in the US over the last 27 years. He has been involved in the acquisition and development of medium to large businesses including manufacturing, commercial and service enterprises. In each case, his involvement lead to a sale of the business or an IPO on the US stock exchanges. The success of the business has depended on strict attention to process improvements and talent development.