Greater Orlando Organization Development Network





Internal Consulting Community of Practice - Friday, February 2, 2018

  • Friday, February 02, 2018
  • 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM (EST)
  • Valencia College - Winter Park, Room 107; 850 W Morse Blvd, Winter Park, FL 32789


Registration is closed

Internal Consulting Community of Practice

The next meeting of the Internal Consulting Community of Practice is scheduled for Friday, February 2, 2018 from 11:30 AM to 1 PM.


Valencia College - Winter Park, Room 107; 850 W Morse Blvd, Winter Park, FL


At the next Internal Consulting Community of Practice, we'll continue to focus on sharing "best practice tools" that can be applied on the job, as well as discussing articles in recent publications and how they are relevant to our teams.

For the February 2nd meeting, we will discuss the following:

*  New Leader Assimilation Tools.  We will share one concept for discussion.  Please feel free to bring other examples that you can share
*  HR Executive Article on Talent Retention.  Please refer to the following link.  This is a great publication which you can get for free.  Welcome your thoughts on how your organization is focusing on talent retention and your thoughts on the strategies outlined in this article.

For more information, contact the Leader, Sus Havill at

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